Local Leader Spotlight: Kanika Jackson

Learn more about Kanika Jackson, who is President of the Smyrna Education Association and a math educator as Smyrna High School.  Her leadership and advocacy continues to effect change for all educators in Smyrna schools.  SEA represents over 600 teachers, specialists, and education support professionals across the district's eight schools.

 ... on why she chose a career in public education

"I knew, at a very young age, that education could change your circumstances. I had a successful uncle who lived differently from everyone else I knew. I saw that the difference was he furthered his education. My mother was very active in my pre-k education and I mimicked what I experienced growing up with my younger cousins. Giving someone information they can use to improve themselves is my motivation and what brings joy to my heart."


... on how she first got involved with her union

"I initially joined because I thought it was mandatory and was always told, by family, that you join the union of your company. I stayed a union member because I felt that I was being mistreated on an evaluation. Smyrna EA & DSEA supported my decision and supported me with guidance on how to move forward the entire ordeal."


... on why she became a local leader for her union

"I wanted to become more active in the union because I noticed things that I did not agree with. I figured that I had to do something or I had no right to complain. The previous president had confidence in me and encouraged me to take on a higher leadership role to be even more active."


... on how public education has changed for the better

"Addressing the whole child... We have more resources to help students where they are." 


... on what public education needs to fix going forward


"Having the appropriate funds to staff districts with the staff to do all the jobs. Funds to pay those people competitive salaries if they were to go to other places outside of education." 


... on the local association win she is most proud of

"Working with my building admin to create an equity team that helps educate the staff on the topics of equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in our classrooms and offices."


... on what she wants potential members to know

"‘What are you waiting for?’ There is a group of like-minded individuals who want to see you succeed and have the best work conditions. You should have a say in what that looks like and have thousands of other people there to support you."


... on what she wants current members to know

"Be more active in whatever capacity you can. Be more vocal about what you are dealing with day to day inside your buildings. Don’t be afraid because you have the support you need, they may not know the issue or positive change you are knowledgeable about."