Student Membership is available if you are enrolled in a postsecondary program that is preparatory for employment in a position that will make you eligible for Active (teacher) membership in the NEA. Enrollment for the current membership year is offered online from the start of the membership year, September 1, through the end of May. Beginning June 1, the online system accepts applications for enrollment for the next membership year, however, you can still enroll for the current year by submitting a paper enrollment form and check payment. To receive a paper form, please email with your request.
As a DSEA Aspiring Educator, you'll receive great deals on professional and consumer products and services including:
low-interest credit cards
discounted auto and homeowners insurance
car rentals
mortgage plan with low down payment options
early-start investment plan for retirement
life insurance
accidental death and dismemberment insurance
magazine subscriptions
discounted movie, concert and event tickets
discounted hotel rooms and travel deals
$20 Dues Rebate After Graduation
Individuals who are student members and join DSEA/NEA when they begin their career are eligible to receive a rebate of $20 for each year they were a student member. This puts money back into your pocket and still provides you with the outstanding benefits that only full membership can provide.
Download the rebate form [here].
Professional Workshops and Conferences
Aspiring Educator membership also provides for access and participation in national leadership and professional development meetings. These meetings cover a variety of topics, ranging from stress management and interviewing skills to classroom management and pedagogy.
Members have access to the outstanding publications produced by NEA (NEA Today; Tomorrow's Teachers) as well as material produced by DSEA. These publications are filled with in-depth discussion and analysis of the issues affecting education and information on upcoming events and training.
Community Outreach
Student members can work alongside peers and working professionals to make positive differences in communities across the country. Special grants are available for student chapters that want to start an outreach program and deepen their relationship with their surrounding community. [Click here] for more information regarding available grants.
Legal Services
NEA provides $1 million in professional liability coverage and offers other legal services such as will writing, consulting, etc. This coverage, provided by our Educators Employment Liability Program, protects you every time you step into a classroom!
Technical Support and Assistance
If you've got a great idea for a membership drive or local workshop but need some help to pull it off, NEA can help. Student Program members are part of a network that includes local association leaders, UniServ staff, state affiliate officers, and staff at NEA headquarters.
Joining DSEA as an Aspiring Educator
Student Membership is available if you are enrolled in a postsecondary program that is preparatory for employment in a position that will make you eligible for Active (teacher) membership in the NEA. Enrollment for the current membership year is offered online from the start of the membership year, September 1, through the end of May. Beginning June 1, the online system accepts applications for enrollment for the next membership year, however, you can still enroll for the current year by submitting a paper enrollment form and check payment. To receive a paper form, please email with your request.
To enroll, click here.
Advantages of Membership
As a DSEA Aspiring Educator, you'll receive great deals on professional and consumer products and services including:
$20 Dues Rebate After Graduation
Individuals who are student members and join DSEA/NEA when they begin their career are eligible to receive a rebate of $20 for each year they were a student member. This puts money back into your pocket and still provides you with the outstanding benefits that only full membership can provide.
Download the rebate form [here].
Professional Workshops and Conferences
Aspiring Educator membership also provides for access and participation in national leadership and professional development meetings. These meetings cover a variety of topics, ranging from stress management and interviewing skills to classroom management and pedagogy.
Members have access to the outstanding publications produced by NEA (NEA Today; Tomorrow's Teachers) as well as material produced by DSEA. These publications are filled with in-depth discussion and analysis of the issues affecting education and information on upcoming events and training.
Community Outreach
Student members can work alongside peers and working professionals to make positive differences in communities across the country. Special grants are available for student chapters that want to start an outreach program and deepen their relationship with their surrounding community. [Click here] for more information regarding available grants.
Legal Services
NEA provides $1 million in professional liability coverage and offers other legal services such as will writing, consulting, etc. This coverage, provided by our Educators Employment Liability Program, protects you every time you step into a classroom!
Technical Support and Assistance
If you've got a great idea for a membership drive or local workshop but need some help to pull it off, NEA can help. Student Program members are part of a network that includes local association leaders, UniServ staff, state affiliate officers, and staff at NEA headquarters.
Legislation and Lobbying
NEA supports America's public schools on national and state levels. As a member, you can be a part of this process and support pro-public education legislation.