History of Aspiring Educator Program

The DSEA Aspiring Educators Program (AEP) is a pre-professional organization of undergraduate and graduate students preparing for careers in education. As a member of DSEA AEP, students are also a part of the larger Delaware State Education Association, an educational professional organization representing more than 12,000 members in the state. DSEA AEP members are also a part of the National Education Association, a network of state associations that has over 3.2 million members and is a major force in shaping the nation’s education agenda.


Students throughout the state on university and college campuses are able to take advantage of the many opportunities afforded them through the DSEA AEP.


Aspiring Educators Program Core Values

The NEA Aspiring Educators Program Foundations – Teacher Quality, Community Outreach, and Political Action – are the underlying areas of focus that direct Student Program activities. It is in these areas that our members and affiliates sponsor programs, educate on issues, and affect change.


Teacher Quality encompasses pre-professional development and job preparation. At local meetings and workshops, state conferences, and national symposiums, our members encounter professional development opportunities: guest speakers on classroom management, experts on testing and practitioners sharing tips on smoothly running science labs. Job preparation comes in the form of resume workshops, portfolio tutorials, mock interviews and new teacher panels. Student Program publications and websites share teacher quality information relevant to our members, including certification requirements and resources for working with special needs children. Students shape their college curriculum by serving as change-agents on boards and committees. Our members’ involvement in the NEA Student Program increases their ability to become quality teachers.


Community Outreach describes how NEA Student Program members engage the people and environment around them; we impact our communities – locally and globally – and value the meaningfulness of such involvement. New teachers who are NEA Student Program Alumni are more successful in helping their students achieve because they know how reaching out to the community provides them access to material and human resources.


Political Action includes both the realization that political and legislative issues impact the education world and the initiative to get involved. By educating each other, organizing activities and publicizing our involvement, we are making an impact.